Private Free Discovery Call

Learn a safe, easy, painless method to relax, heal & build high performance

AWARENESS – There are no secrets about healing yourself after physical injury or building high performance.  They are the same problem with the same cure.

“When you learn how to heal, your performance goes up. When you stop hurting yourself, your performance goes up.

Studies show us repeatedly that (inside of you) your self-worth will prove to be the single biggest obstacle you will face in life. Increasing your self-worth just a little starts a flow of opportunities and happiness around every corner.

Click here to grab my Awareness Meditation for free and I look forward to meeting. 

* Only clients that fit my areas of expertise around the world will receive this free coaching session.

Recovery & Performance

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Canadian Coaching Federation

Meet Doug Smith CCF

Doug Smith, author of “The Trauma Code” & “Thriving in Transition”, is a thought leader on the impact of workplace induced emotional trauma. An accomplished keynote speaker & communicator, Doug presents a trauma management model he developed to address emotional trauma at home/work and to help to maximize human performance.
